These 5 Symptoms Hints The Vicious Multiple Sclerosis: Be Careful! The Symptoms Are Similar As With Menopause!

Each week 200,000 people find out that they have multiple sclerosis (MS). Even 2.5 million people worldwide  live with the disease. Multiple sclerosis is a neurodegenerative disease and autoimmune disease that firstly “attacks” white matter of the central nervous system – explains doctor Roumen Balabanov. The disease occurs when the immune system mistakenly directs substances …


A Russian Doctor Has Revealed The Secret For Kid’s Immunity: Just Do This And Your Kids Will Never Get Sick Again!

Many parents believe that there is a medicine that can have an impact in a miraculous way and strengthens the immunity in children, however, here’s what  Yevgeny Komarovsky advices , a famous doctor and author of many books about the care of children. Yevgeny Komarovsky, medicine PhD, television presenter and author of many books about …


I’ve Drown Them In Water At Night And I’ve Eaten Them In The Morning. After Few days, I’ve Thanked My Friend Who Told Me This Recipe! The Results Are Amazing!

Almonds are considered to be the most nutritious nuts of all varieties thus, are  important part of any balanced diet. In order to drown the almonds,  you need raw almonds, water and a bowl. Put the almonds in a large bowl and cover them with 2 cups water 1/2 cup almonds. Soak the almonds overnight …
