Attention Women: These Are The 8 Things You Should Never Do After A C-Section!

In this article we are going to show you  what mums can’t do while recovering from the C-section:

Within 6 weeks after the C-section avoid lifting anything heavier than your new born. Try to avoid work at home too, so the wound can heal fast. It is not recommended to drive at least 6 weeks after delivery with C-section. Some moves will be still hard to perform even after couple of months.

1.Don’t forget to drink enough liquids

After a C-section many women have problems bowl issues because the abdomen is sensitive and hurt. So, it is very important to drink huge amount of water, eat healthy and move whenever possible so the intestines could be more active and it won’t lead to constipation.

And do not worry: the seams won’t break when you go in the bathroom.

2.Avoid sleeping on the stomach

Sleeping on the stomach could postpone the healing time for the scar considering that the seam is under the pressure.  Otherwise, sleeping on the back will be your best option, and some women tend to sleep on the hips.

Sleeping on the hips is also recommended in high blood pressure. It could be uncomfortable for you when you turn from one hip to another, maybe even painful, but when you make it to that position, it will be good for you.

3.Avoid having intercourse within 6 weeks after you gave a birth.

Having sex after that, could be painful and uncomfortable and the scar needs time to heal.

4.Avoid using stairs at least 2 weeks after the C-section

If your bedroom is located on a floor, move temporary on the ground floor so you avoid going up and down through the stairs many times in a day. When you start using the stairs, walk slowly and carefully.

Ask someone to help you while walking, so if it is necessary you could rely on them. If you feel the pain or fatigue while climbing the stairs, stop and rest.

In order to move painless, it is recommended to use lightweight corset which you can buy it in the specialized stores ( Hospitalia, Rosistep).

5.If you get fewer or you feel pain which is not stopping and is getting worse, do not neglect it. It could be a sign of a infection.

6.Avoid having a bath in a bathtub ( shower yourself instead), public pools or hot baths until the scar is healed completely and you do not bleed ( after the C-section the bleeding is normal). Also, avoid using tampons as well.

After the scar is healed, the woman in labor can put some creams for fast and efficient healing which can be bought freely in stores and pharmacies, or you can put silicone patch on the wound.


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