Goodbye Kilograms: These 10 Tricks Can Help You To Get Rid Of The Belly Fat Once And For All!!

If you annoying by the extra weight on your stomach, we present 10 healthiest strategy to get rid of it.

Fat tissue in the stomach can make you feel uncomfortable  with your physical appearance, but it can also affect your health. The consequences can be diabetes, hormonal disorders, high blood pressure, problems with fertility, thyroid gland, and many other diseases.

Namely, as much as there is the fatty tissue in the area of the abdomen, the lower is the production of the hormone adiponectin that reduces stress and inflammation, and it is associated with the hormone for appetite control – leptin. Thus, this increases the risks of inflammatory processes in the body and overeating.

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If you want to reduce your waist and improve your health, follow these guidelines: reduce your intake of carbohydrates, increase the intake of healthy fats and protein, increase the movement, eat smaller meals several times in a day. In addition to these  of the great benefits will be the following 10 tips:

1. Go for a walk

Arrange with a friend a walk, instead of coffee and sit, so that both can talk and move. It will be funnier. Moderate walking will help with weight loss, but if you decide to walk fast, then at calories will burn triple and it will speed up the fat burning. Exercise stimulates the high intensity three times faster loss of visceral fat – a dangerous body fat that surrounds internal organs, and may cause diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure. Intense movement also raises the level of hormones that burn fat, indeed.

 2. Increase your intake of fiber

For every 10 grams of fiber you eat a day, your body will burn about 4 percent fat. Fibre is usually not a very important issue because they are indigestible and have no caloric value, but in a healthy way of losing pounds are of great importance. One of the key benefits of fiber is the way they control the speed of digestion. Fibers stimulate the secretion of the hormone of hunger, such as ghrelin and CCK, delaying the feeling of hunger after a meal. Excellent sources of fiber are vegetables, fruits, legumes and grains, and preferably it is to eat them complete and fresh form. Among the richest in fiber foods are corn, beans, chick peas, avocado, integral pasta, brown rice, bread from comprehensive grains, pears, artichokes, oatmeal, raspberries, peas, broccoli, apples, barley, almonds.


You would not believe, but vacuuming is perfect for working the abdominal muscles. This is a good exercise for those who do not have much time, so you can combine the beauty with the useful. Besides, you will clean the dust in your home, and still it  will be counted as physical activity. If you want something more demanding – combine moves back and forth when vacuuming with the shuffle. Burning calories during the suction is 190 kcal for 60 minutes.

4. Reduce salt intake

When you’re trying to lose weight, a good way to start is to reduce salt intake. It doesn’t contain calories or fat, but it causes the water retention. After consumption of salty foods, the body makes water from the cells into the bloodstream. According to the guide Michele Macedonio and Marie Dunford “The Athlete’s Guide to Making Weight” during one week, you can theoretically lose weight to about 1 and a half pounds by reducing salt intake to 1-1.5 grams per day.

Kilograms are lost because of these two ingredients

To avoid salt, avoid processed and very salty foods. When cooking, use herbs and reduce the usual amount of salt.

5.Treat yourself avocado

Avocados are rich in monounsaturated fatty acids and potassium, lowers blood pressure and stabilize the level of stress. Studies have linked monounsaturated fat  with the loss of fat around the belly, which is credited with anti-inflammatory properties of these fats. Although the avocado is rich in calories, they burn slowly in the body and thus reduce the feeling of hunger. Avocados in combination with vegetables allows better utilization of nutrients.

6.Skip the sugar drinks

Calories which come from sweet drinks end up just in your belly. When you consume these drinks often, by removing these habits,you can significantly reduce the fat and lose weight. Juices are full of calories with no nutritional value. Contribute to weight gain, and diabetes, tooth decay and weak bones. They are associated with a lack of vitamin A, calcium, magnesium and other nutrients. Their taste affects tasty buds causing a craving for food. According to some researches, these drinks can increase weight gain of 41 percent. Replace sugary drinks with water, mineral water or unsweetened tea as well.

7.Stop drinking alcohol

Drinking alcohol increases levels of cortisol, which sends fat directly into the belly.One alcoholic drink, by the amount of calories, may be the same as if you eat cake.The body can not store alcohol, so it is immediately metabolized. This slows down the digestion of fats and carbohydrates, as well as stops and slows metabolism, causing weight gain. Consumption of alcohol is dangerous to all organs, particularly for the liver.

8.Snack on sunflower seeds

Sunflower seeds are an excellent addition to the diet if you want to lose weight, and you can nibble on them at any time. They are rich in the powerful antioxidant vitamin E which fights against toxins and inflammatory processes. Also, they are a rich source of magnesium, which reduces anxiety and prevents growth hormone cortisol. Assist the health of the nervous system, supplies the body with energy, and improve the calorie burning. It also contains protein, fiber, B-complex vitamins that are important for burning calories and satiety. It is important to eat them raw.
9. Drink more water

Hydration is an important element of weight loss, but the best for this process is of course the water. Many often neglect the importance of drinking water. The water intake has a direct impact on our metabolism. In a state of dehydration metabolism slows down, and this slows down the breakdown of fats and facilitates the accumulation of fat in the abdomen.

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You should drink about 2 liters of water daily or, even more. If this seems like a lot, start with smaller amounts. Keep with you a bottle of water and drink occasionally. Increase the amount of water each day until you get to 2 liters. The feeling of hunger can sometimes mean that you are really just thirsty.

10.Pull in your stomach

Retracting the stomach while walking or doing housework is an easy way for toning muscles throughout the day. When we sit or stand straight back and shoulders, remote back, we automatically tighten the stomach. Retracting the stomach is recommended and while sitting in a cycle of exercises 3-5 times a day. Practice retractable stomach while you such a situation  becomes natural.








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