From all the types, it is closest to the onion with taste, it is not chilly, it doesn’t have strong, smell and do not make you cry.
Besides, it is easiest to grow and it is not sensitive to low temperatures. You can pick it from the start of the autumn to the end of the spring. This is the reason why the leek is so important foodstuff, especially in the winter when the choice of the vegetables is pool.
Nutritious value
Leek contains high amounts of proteins, beta-carotene, and vitamin C and it is very beneficial for our overall health. Raw leek is an excellent source of manganese and a good source of iron, folic acid, vitamins C and B6. Considering that cooking reduces the amount of vitamins and minerals, cooked leeks becomes a good source of manganese and a central source of iron, folic acid and vitamin B6
Despite the red or white onion, the leek is used as a whole, and not just as a spice, but as independent vegetable. It is rich in nutritious and healing stuff. It contains a huge amount of minerals and vitamin C and essential oils with sulfur.
These oils act beneficial to the respiratory tract and the digestive organs as well, the kidneys, liver, blood and blood vessels. Also, from those oils is originated the leek smell, which is quite specific and for many people dreadful. It is recommended to use the whole leek along with the white woody and the green leaves.
Namely, the leaves which are usually avoided, contains much more vitamins then the white part.
Health benefits
1.With increased thyroid, it is recommended heat packs from cooked leek.
2.The leek helps with expectoration, calms cough, also it has beneficial effect on the hoarseness, pneumonia and asthma.
3.Reduces the increased amount of uric acid, helps with cholesterol and fats in the blood.
4.The leek improves the blood circulation, and helps with atherosclerosis and phlebitis.
5.The leek stimulates the kidneys’ work and urinary excretion and helps with the pain.