Ten Signs That Show That You Recently Had An Easy Stroke! Don’t Ignore Them!

If you think that stroke is something that occurs only in the elderly, then you are definitely wrong. Doctors suggest that condition can happen to anyone and at any age.Dynamic lifestyle coupled with improper diet are the main causes of this phenomenon.

To protect yourself, learn how to recognize the early symptoms, in which you need to immediately react.

1. Vision Problem

Stroke can cause ghosting, blurred picture or complete loss of vision in one or both eyes. 44% of people who suffered a stroke told that the loss of vision is one of the major symptoms.

2. Sudden headache and dizziness

Vertigo is an important sign of stroke in women younger than 45 years. If it often occurs, you should visit your doctor.

3. Problems with speech

One of the first signs of stroke is casual speech. Initially manifest as confusion about time and place, later to move to a complete loss of ability to speak, leading to confusion.

4. Weakness in the limbs

After a stroke, limb usually become poorer, harder to control, or fully paralyzed. Usually, the affected limb is on the opposite hemisphere of the brain that is affected by the impact.

Extend both hands with palms facing up and hold them in that position for 10 seconds. If one arm begins to fall uncontrolled, it shows weakness, which is a sign of stroke.

5. Pain on one side of the face

Pain is not a typical syndrome of stroke, but if you experience sudden and severe pain in the limbs or on the one side of the face, then the sign is obvious.

6. Headache and migraine

The sudden and extremely severe headache, which can be categorized as one of worsening you had, is a common symptom of stroke. Such pain in combination with stroke usually occurs in women and in younger people who suffer from migraine.

7. Facial paralysis

If you can not control the muscles on one side of the face, it is almost certain sign that you had a stroke.

8. Exhaustion

Studies have shown that the stroke in women is more often associated with symptoms such as fatigue, confusion, disorientation and exhaustion.

9. Hiccups

This warning symptom occurs more frequently in women. Hiccups occur as a result of attack of the breathing center in the brain.

10. Difficulty breathing and tachycardia

Wheezing and lack of air resulting in cardiac arrhythmia. Although it often appears in women, these are symptoms that should never be ignored.

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