You Have It In Your Home And You’re Not Using It Enough!! Drink It Before You Go To Sleep, And It Will Change Your Life For Sure!!

Apple cider vinegar lowers the high blood pressure, helps with throat issue, in proper digestion, poor blood circulation, and metabolism and helps with keeping you fit. In order to act like mentioned above, it need to be taken every day.

You can’t imagine the salads without putting cider vinegar in it, and the best is apple cider vinegar, which is in the same time excellent cure too. The experts consider the vinegar as everyday food supply. In order to act properly, it has to be taken every day as a solution of two tablespoons apple cider vinegar in warm and boiled water and also two tablespoons of honey.

Prepared like this, the elixir helps with throat issue, in proper digestion, poor blood circulation and metabolism. It is also recommended with heart issues, kidneys issues, and the blood vessels too. It is confirmed that it lowers the high blood pressure and in the same time it keeps you fit. With consuming healthy food and regularly, the organism is cleansing, and washing the throat with unadulterated apple cider vinegar is very effective with the first symptoms of the cold.

It is recommended for the skin itching through rubbing the skin with the diluted apple cider vinegar which by the way feels good on a healthy skin as well. These acid baths give to the skin the softness, humidity, and blush. It can be also used as covering for varicose veins.

The apple cider vinegar should take special place in diets with the athletes and for those who’s jobs required concentration and focus, it can be taken with honey.

This is recommended because the apple cider vinegar is rich in potassium which has an impact on the nerves and the work of the muscles, as well as in biochemical processes on the cell levels. Thus, if you feel nausea and somnolence, spasms or pain in the muscles, and it is not about some disease, it is probably due to potassium lack. Therapy with the apple cider vinegar and honey will show great results.

The apple cider vinegar can be used in different ways, depending on the purpose:

  • Against chronic fatigue, you have to mix three tablespoons apple cider vinegar with one cup of honey and pour it all in a jar. Consume it every night before going to bed two teaspoons of this mixture. In addition to this, there is another way of its consumption. Teaspoon, of vinegar can be poured into a glass of water and drink during lunch.
  • In order to lower the high blood pressure, drink three times a day a glass of water with two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar.
  • Against headaches, you can drink a glass of water with two tablespoons of honey and two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar.
  • Against pain in the sinuses, it has to be taken hourly, seven times, drink a glass of water, in which is scrambled teaspoon of apple cider vinegar.
  • In order to lose weight  drink every morning on an empty stomach a glass of water with one to two teaspoons of vinegar. Or, with each meal drink a glass of water with two teaspoons of vinegar.The treatment lasts for two months, and the weight loss is achieved because the vinegar affects the faster burning of excess body fat.
  • If you want to gargle, put in a glass of water and a teaspoon of vinegar and thus rinse every two hours.
  • When joint pain occurs during the night, cover them with a canvas cloth that is well soaked in apple vinegar. Put on a  top a dry flannel cloth. In addition, with each meal drink a glass of water with 10 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar.
  • With burns,  put vinegar on the burned area several times a day. This will prevent blister and alleviate pain.
  • In the affected eczema it has to be lubricated with apple vinegar to four times a day and three times during the night. Eczema and itching will quickly disappear.
  • With varicose veins, you should use it every morning and evening in a way that the skin over the varicose veins should be rubbed off with a clean apple vinegar. Moreover, drink twice a day a glass of water with two teaspoons of vinegar. The treatment lasts one month.

Homemade apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar could be made at home. For the purpose, you will need the best non-sprayed apples, crab apples if possible, if not, cultivated apples will be fine too.

You need to wash the apples well, remove the stems, and then along with the seeds milled in the meat machine.

If the apple haven’t much of a juice, add quarter liter boiled and cold water to 10 kg of apples. Also, add 100g of sugar, mix everything well, and cover the bowl with a clean dry gauze multiple occupancy and leave it at warm place or on the sun. The mixture should be controlled from time to time and mixed.

The bowl should be kept on place, where the temperature is not below 18 and above 25 degrees. In this conditions, the boiling process lasts between 25-30 days and if there’s a sun, even shorter.

When the boiling process is over, the vinegar should be carefully filtrated, first through less frequent, and then through the strainer thicker, and finally through the multi-layer gauze to obtain a clear liquid. Then pour it into clean, dry bottles. If the preparation was well done, the color of vinegar will be light yellow and free of impurities. Vinegar like this should be obtained and kept in a cool, dark place, with an unlimited shelf life.

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