These Habits Can Destroy Your Kidneys, Here`s On What You Should Pay Attention!!!

Salt is the primary source of sodium, and most of the sodium should be excreted from the body. Namely, although they are very important, many do not take too much account of them, and millions of people die from kidney disease annually.

We bring a list of things to avoid if you want to keep your kidneys healthy.

1. Not enough water

If you do not drink enough water, it can be one of the most significant kidney damage factors because it happens every day. The main function of the kidney is to excrete metabolic waste from the body and regulate the balance of electrolytes.So, if the body is not properly hydrated, blood flow decreases, resulting in the accumulation of toxins in the blood.

Many of us have a habit of postponing going to the toilet. If the bladder is full of urine for a long time, various complications may occur in the urinary tract. If the bladder is full of urine for a long time, various complications may occur in the urinary tract.

Muscle hypertrophy is one of the complications that can lead to diverticulitis (creating a hole or water bubble in the body).

Hydronephrosis (increasing urine pressure in the kidneys) is another complication that is due to chronic pressure on the back of the kidneys. Incontinence is also one of the serious consequences of prolonged delay in bladder depletion.

3. Too much sodium

Sodium processing is another task that performs kidneys. It is the primary source of sodium, and most of the sodium should be excreted from the body. When we eat very salty foods, the kidneys are heavily burdened because they have to extract a large amount of sodium, which in the long run can be hard for the kidneys.

4. Too much caffeine

When we are thirsty, we often do not reach for water, but for juices and carbonated drinks. Many of these beverages contain caffeine.Many of these beverages contain caffeine. Caffeine can raise blood pressure, and it exerts pressure on the kidneys and can damage them.According to the standards of the Mayo Clinic, most healthy adults can drink two to four cups of coffee a day without endangering their kidneys.

5. Pills against pain

Taking pain pills and for minor disorders is bad habit of most people. Most painkillers have dangerous side effects, can damage various organs, and hence kidneys.

Studies have shown that long-term use of pain tablets reduces blood flow and thus reduces kidney function.

6. Too much protein

Too much red meat and other protein-rich foods can further aggravate the condition of already damaged kidneys. Foods rich in proteins are basically healthy for your body, but not if you have damaged kidneys and, too much protein can demage your kidneys.

7. Ignoring flu and colds

Ignoring common cold and flu can lead to kidney damage. Research has shown that people with kidney disease also have a habit of avoiding rest when they are ill. It has been found that people with sick kidneys are more susceptible to changes in time.

8. Too much alcohol


When drinking alcohol, we often do not care what quantity is appropriate for good health. Alcohol contains toxins that can be harmful to the kidneys, so drinking excessive amounts of alcohol can damage your kidneys.


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